Sashi Selvendran has ten years of experience in microfinance, credit guarantees, risk analysis, training, and project management. At MEDA, Sashi is responsible for managing grants and providing technical assistance to MFIs in the process of transformation and deposit taking product development.
Prior to MEDA, Sashi worked at USAID in their Office of Development Credit and Office of Poverty Reduction in Washington, DC. She specialized in technical assistance to 15 USAID Missions with credit guarantees in SME finance, housing microfinance, and municipal finance. Sashi has worked on savings mobilization and investment at the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP), project management at Grameen Foundation, and microfinance delivery channels in water and sanitation in Cambodia. As a consultant for the ADB, Sashi conducted due diligence of prospective partner banks in Central Asia and Asia.
She obtained her MSc. in Local Economic Development from the London School of Economics and her BA in International Development from Vanderbilt University.
"SAM team was great. Faculty are superb, with great knowledge and ability."
Lazarus Mukasa